Dear Friend,
When I think about who we need in the legislature, it’s someone with a passion for justice. Someone who understands that our collective crises of mass incarceration, addiction and mental health are connected.
That’s why it is important to me to reelect Representative Leslie Herod. Can you support her campaign before our end-of-September deadline on Monday?
We cannot solve these problems without thinking about how they interact, which is exactly what Rep. Herod did with her bill to expand Special Connections, a program to provide addiction treatment to high-risk pregnant women.
Her bill will help keep families together by: 
1) Allowing new moms to take advantage of Special Connections up to one year post-partum when they are at increased risk of overdose,
2) Expanding access to childcare in behavioral treatment facilities to keep moms with their kids, and
3) Protecting women from prosecution if they disclose substance use during their treatment.
This measure adds to the robust package of bills already passed by Rep. Herod including drug possession defelonization, bail reform, and other criminal justice measures. 
Colorado needs strategic solutions to solve our complex problems.   Support Rep. Herod before our Monday deadline with a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more today.
Andrew Fish
Chief of Staff 
P.S. We’re celebrating Leslie’s birthday on October 10th, and you know what that means. It is time to dance! RSVP today!


Our end-of-September fundraising deadline is this Monday night. 


This event is FREE to attend, though donations are appreciated
When: October 10th, 2019
Time: 6-9pm
Where: Prodigy Coffee House
3801 E. 47th Ave.
Denver, CO 80205
Join our growing host committee here!