The Colorado Association of Psychotherapists

Beyond Institutional Therapy


CAP Mission Statement and Goals

The mission of the Colorado Association of Psychotherapists is to promote professional growth and development among psychotherapists with a focus on education, networking opportunities, promotional tools, and legislative representation.

The following goals were developed through a series of outreach meetings with our members. The board adopted these goals at our annual meeting in 2012. We have begun implementing them as our time and resources permit. We aimed high and hope you will help.


Member Education Public Education

Networking Legislative

Program Workshop

Member Education Goals

The following education goals were agreed upon as useful for the next two years for Denver and Boulder Networks. (New CAP Networks may prefer a different schedule than monthly.) 

Adult Education


  • Support Members with obtaining certifications, supervision, and licensure by providing:

    • information on where to obtain certificates in modalities offered by institutes, schools and others,
    • coaching on how to take the jurisprudence test. (suggested resource: Dr. Leslie, CSFT).
    • a seminar on supervision that covers: how to supervise, what makes a good supervisor, requirements to be able to supervise.
    • training that provides CEU credits.
  • Host Monthly meetings
  • Focus the monthly meetings on professional development featuring one speaker only.
  • Use monthly meetings to teach alternative modalities and techniques, as well as how to become better professionals and business people.
  • Host an Annual Meeting with workshop(s)
  • Offer Legislative briefings
  • Support Professional Development by providing:
    • guidance to members on obtaining and getting most out of mentoring
    • online training and webinars for a fee using member and non-member rates.
    • an educational session on dual relationships. Offer dialogue among practitioners on what is a harmful dual relationship versus a helpful one such as being a member of a professional association and using a fellow member for services.
    • tips on business ownership and share best practices.
    • mentoring opportunities as a member benefit (E.g. have long-standing psychotherapists guide members who are new to the profession).
    • a survey members on education needs via our website
    • an educational session on the use of media in counseling. Examples: how to use Skype, as well as when and when not to text clients or to use social media for business.

Public Education Goals

Public Education




  • Offer webinars for the public
  • Post psychotherapy services/descriptions on the CAP website
  • Make members available to the public via the CAP website.
  • Host event(s) to inform the public of different modalities (such as a CAP Trade Show, everyone agreed this is a long term goal).
  • Work to educate affiliate groups such as medical, dental, massage associations, etc.
  • Educate the public about the variety of mental health services available.
  • Conduct outreach activities to attract a wide variety of practitioners to join CAP.

Networking Goals

  • Keep web site friendly for members, other mental health professionals, and the public.
  • Establish a link on CAP website with the Boulder Psychotherapy Institute.
  • Provide a listing of psychotherapists by city and zip code on the CAP web site.
  • Host events by geographic area or by city.
  • Promote what is offered and encourage a wide variety of practitioners to join CAP.

Professional Networking

Colorado State Capital






Legislative Representation Goals

  • Inform members about the Mental Health Coalition (what it is, link on web site, etc.)
  • Identify legislators who are interested in mental health and invite to CAP events
  • Host an educational event on different modalities for state legislators
  • Monitor state legislation impacting psychotherapists and keep members informed
  • Provide legislative updates to members on small business regulation
  • Expand our representation within and to DORA. Teach members how to work with DORA.
  • Develop an administrative outreach effort to help DORA understand psychotherapists and the many dimensions of psychotherapy.
  • Gather stories of how psychotherapists are treated by DORA and host dialogue on how to improve working relationship for psychotherapists with DORA
  • Promote CAP representatives for DORA Board of Unlicensed Psychotherapists.
  • Host education sessions for members on how to work with DORA including: updates on DORA regulations and administrative requirements.